Welcome to Marwen Reel

I finally had some downtime to assemble a few of the sequences I animated for Zemekis’ “Welcome to Marwen.” I spent nearly a year on that show, from the early rig-testing stages to the bitter end. I still wish we were able to keep our original keyframe playblasts, before they applied the actor’s eye & mouth comp. The faces were fully keyframed, eye-darts, lip twitches and all, but sadly it’s lost work that will probably never see the light of day.

Some of sequences we did early on in production, like the courtroom scene, didn’t have any mocap so what you see is fully keyframed against the live-action plates interacting with Steve Carrell. And then there were full CG sequences like in the church, where the animation team also doubled-up as the layout and camera team for the first half of production, since the studio didn’t have one at the time. It was quite a feat for our wee team.

Here’s a small handful of the shots I did:


Categories: Animation, Work